How to trick yourself into eating better
These brain hacks from an Oxford professor will help you eat less without even realising.
These brain hacks from an Oxford professor will help you eat less without even realising.
Doctors have slammed Pete Evans following a TV interview about his bizarre health claims.
Some lifestyle habits you thought were bad for you, may be much better than you realise.
Is an all-you-can-eat, whole food, plant-based diet the answer to weight loss?
It's everyone favorite diet debate: are carbs good or bad for you? Here are the facts.
The paramedic student is sharing her journey as she aims for her goal weight of 70kg.
Science reveals how meal time and frequency really can alter weight gain and heart health.
COMMENT: Niki Bezzant would rather give up chocolate than cheese.
Skip the spice, stock up on nuts and enjoy a Bloody Mary on board.
Belle Gibson has been found guilty of "most, but not all" charges against her.
As cancer blogger Belle Gibson is handed her verdict, her mother has revealed some hard truths about her daughter.
If you're still struggling to shift those extra kilos, an outspoken weightloss expert believes he's found the answer.
According to health experts, you're far better off keeping the skin on your vegetables.
A nutritionist reveals the foods that will actually help you lose stomach fat.
Strong evidence of link between deafness and dementia, says US expert.
My how you've changed! Kiwi Nicola Robinson looks drastically different as her one year anniversary with Pete Evans approaches.
Late-night eating is a habit we have the power to change.
This model mum of two reveals how she went from pregnant to a six-pack in eight weeks.
Texan man Andy Albertson weighed almost 150kg and was teased about his body.
A nutritionist reveals seven superfoods that have become completely over-inflated.
Looking after our gut is said to reduce fat storage and signs of ageing, and help boost our immune system, skin and brain health.
Science has proven that some obese people with high levels of fat can also be in good physical health. Here's how.
The Government must step in to curb the marketing of unhealthy food to our children, a leading public health researcher argues.
What happens when a couple tries to lose weight together? It can be the recipe for success ... or a total disaster.
While many of us lather our skin with creams and lotions for a youthful complexion, we need to view what we eat as being just as important.
Dieting can feel like an uphill struggle at the best of times, but according to one expert there are a few common mistakes we're all making.
Reporter Sarah Harris took on chef Michael van de Elzen to see if they could buy healthy food for lunch boxes of two children, for five days for under $50.
Compassion in World Farming, a US-based charity aiming to "end factory farming" recently released a video on YouTube hoping to educate the public on the "white stripes" found in raw chicken.
A dietitian reveals how trying to adhere to the magic number of calories for weight loss could be having a negative effect on your health and fertility.
The next time you holiday in Vanuatu, don't expect to see any M&Ms or Mars Bars in every hotel minibar.