Latest fromNuclear Weapons
Why Obama wants John Key at summit
John Key says he was invited to the US nuclear security summit because Barack Obama recognised the importance of NZ's anti-nuclear position.
Let US ships return to NZ, says Palmer
It is time that United States Navy ships were allowed to return to New Zealand waters, says Sir Geoffrey Palmer.
Anti-nuclear strike force
A nuclear security summit next week is likely to be the tipping point for a push for global disarmament, writes Audrey Young.
France exposed troops to radiation
France deliberately exposed 300 of its conscripts to an atomic bomb test in the Sahara in 1961.
Iran could start arms race - Clinton
Hillary Clinton told Saudi college students that if Iran gets a nuclear weapon it could trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
'Yes we can' gives way to realities of power politics
Barack Obama has the worst poll rating for any American President since Truman at this stage in the presidency.
Critics vocal on Obama's peace prize
US President Barack Obama's recent Nobel Peace Prize has generated much praise as well consternation around the world.
<i>Gwynne Dyer:</i> Sanctions against Iran now seem inevitable
Western intelligence agencies have known about Iran's second uranium enrichment plant, hidden in the mountains west of Qom, since construction began in 2006.
Lawless starts peace march
Actor Lucy Lawless helped start a peace march which will circle the world before ending in the Andes in January.
Defectors tell of Myanmar's secret nuclear reactor
Revelations of co-operation between Myanmar and North Korea on nuclear development rings alarm bells.