Hundreds evacuate city mall, cause unknown
Hundreds milled outside as firefighters arrived to investigate at Westfield Albany.
Hundreds milled outside as firefighters arrived to investigate at Westfield Albany.
Family at centre of latest shooting beg for calm after shots blast grandkids' bedrooms.
A Beach Haven house was targeted and gunshots were heard in the latest gang war incident.
Fire officer in charge says a delay could have ended up with two people trapped.
Finn Lowery had a lot to live for, the coroner noted.
Four young people were arrested after police spiked their getaway car.
Musician also shared images with others.
Over two days 200 students were off as Omicron hit families at Albany Junior High.
A judge was sceptical about the man's various excuses for being caught with drugs.
'He could still be here had it not been for those mistakes.'
The CBD is lacking the hustle and bustle with more people working from home.
The jump in vacancy rates is another sign the way some of us work is changing.
One person due in Youth Court while six others referred to Youth Aid following car thefts.
David Downs joked it was now his turn to give his friend a 'bad haircut'.
'Now we're just having a few beers, there's nothing else you can do really.'
Crane was working on a primary school construction site and the noise was heard widely.
Woman obsessed with her employer refused discharge without conviction.
Police urge people heading to the beach to leave their valuables at home.
'I'm scared someone's going to end up getting killed.'
Fire and Emergency were alerted to the fire about 2.20pm.
The police negotiations team were sent to the scene.
Advice on how isolation rules might change for arrivals was expected shortly.
The Redvale man hosted a large party during alert level 3 restrictions last year.
The Government has announced $140 million will go to assist affected whānau.
Good news dog owners, these eight Auckland bars serve canines as well as humans.
At times, Phil Hanson wondered if son might've been better off dead - but life gave hope.
'An absolute privilege to serve two terms as the mayor of Auckland', says Goff.
It's bike month across Aotearoa, so slip into your cycling shorts and get riding.
A Police dive squad will work to recover the body of a man who has drowned at Lake Pupuke.
Their September wedding postponement won't be repeated, a couple vow.