Ominous path: Cyclone on direct track to hit NZ - severe gales, rain warning
Wild weather in the forecast from Tuesday.
Wild weather in the forecast from Tuesday.
Auckland DHB doing only acute operations or planned surgery that cannot wait.
Helicopter footage shows Transmission Gully on the morning it opened to traffic.
The clinic's purpose is to provide assessment and treatment to Covid-positive people.
Trio were doused in petrol and set alight during riot training.
Battered East Coast faces long months of recovery after a second major event in a year.
'There are large areas of flooding, slips, washouts and other hazards along the route.'
Graeme Hebley bought the car in 2000. It had only done 80,000kms at that point.
'He was a good bugger. He wasn't only my son, he was my mate,' says grieving father.
The dog was distressed but managed to keep out of the way of rescue efforts.
Several other people were hospitalised after road incidents around the North Island.
Heavy rain warning for Northland, Auckland and the Coromandel for Sunday and Monday.
Police are investigating several crashes in which people have been killed overnight.
About 800 doctors and nurses at Wellington's hospitals off sick or in isolation this week.
Wairoa Hospital has no intensive care capacity or ventilators for severe Covid-19 cases.
Staff absences reach a critical point at Middlemore Hospital as Omicron surges.
Currently a heavy rain warning is in place for Fiordland.
Motorists are advised to avoid the area and expect delays.
The Y would like to see schools work harder to ensure "invaluable" camps can go ahead.
Have an end of season holiday as the sunshine gives a last blessing to ripening grapes.
Police are still searching for the man.
"There is a draw card between healthy gaming and unhealthy gaming."
Chris Quin addresses concerns about supply chain pressures.
For the second weekend in a row Wellington is in for a drenching.
Haulage operator says reluctance from tow truck drivers isn't due to safety concerns.
Cyclone Dovi is to close roads and bring damage as emergency teams on standby.
Blue and white face coverings recycled into long-lasting fence posts.
In Auckland alone, there are 1218 Covid cases currently isolating at home.
The muggy weather won't peak until Saturday.
Friendly moggy vanished from his family's Auckland Viaduct apartment a decade ago.