232km/h 'suicide speed' among highest
Motorcyclist on suspended learner's licence was wearing just shorts. "All his bones and organs would be just mush" if he crashed, say police.
Motorcyclist on suspended learner's licence was wearing just shorts. "All his bones and organs would be just mush" if he crashed, say police.
WATCH: Father filming his daughter swimming at Papamoa Beach has captured just how close she was to a shark.
Thanks to one tidy Kiwi's handy detective work, someone is about to receive the surprise of their life in the mail.
The mother of an 18-month-old boy who died after being hit by a car outside their home was busy making school lunches, when he snuck out the ranch slider.
Traffic is backed up from Newmarket to Otahuhu following a crash on Auckland's southern motorway.
Elderly man's badly decomposed body found in upmarket apartment block opposite Parliament.
You should never underestimate some people's ability to see crudity in almost anything - even wharf designs.
The woman made a bid for freedom from the late model sedan's boot by jumping from it as it travelled along Huia Road in suburban Papatoetoe last night.
Police appeal for help in identifying Asian woman who is fighting for her life after jump from moving car.
Former chapter president of the Mongrel Mob believes the Government shouldn't treat all gangs as evil.
Mother sickened by discovery in saveloy. WARNING - UPSETTING IMAGE.
As a woman remains in a critical condition after freeing herself from a car, here are some more kidnapping cases which shocked the nation
Ronald Van Der Plaat is about to be released from prison despite fears he is still a risk.
A Morrinsville mum whose three children were on a school bus when it was shot at says it was "bloody scary".
WATCH: Police officers clash with protesters supporting two women accused of stealing oil survey equipment.
Friends pay tribute to Fonterra driver Michael Fairclough, who was found dead at his home after last week's horror triple fatality in Patea.
Police are warning motorists to watch their speed as the wet weather catches out drivers.
A group of men who stabbed the owner of a liquor store in South Auckland were wielding double-bladed knives.
A staff member at the police college near Wellington has died after getting into difficulty in the swimming pool this afternoon.
The tanker driver involved in Thursday's triple fatality in Patea has been found dead in his home, it was confirmed today.
Police are investigating a suspicious fire which started when an unknown object was thrown at a bedroom window while a family slept.
WATCH: An Epsom couple's property is overrun with 'literally thousands' of cockroaches for the third summer in a row.
The Wairarapa Balloon Festival had crowds far exceeding expectations - which would have been great if the show wasn't cancelled.
A learner driver carrying a passenger was driving more than double the posted speed limit in wet conditions when he was pulled over by police.
A woman has died in a suspected drowning at a marina south of Whangarei.
Members of the public have a chance to revel in the macabre by taking in the sights at the Southern Hemisphere's biggest cemetery.