Latest fromNorth America

Moveable feast (+recipes)
Portable eateries are the US' latest food craze. One of the best draws from Brazil's rich culinary culture.

Key wades into currency wars
Herald political columnist John Armstrong reports from Apec, where Prime Minister John Key has warned of the possibility of imminent "currency wars" if trade imbalances are not dealt with.

Nine Kiwis on stricken cruise ship
Nine New Zealanders are among those stranded off the coast of America aboard stricken cruise liner Carnival Splendor.

NZers on stranded cruise ship
A dream trip down the Mexican Riviera has turned into a travel nightmare for two Kiwis aboard a stricken cruise ship.

Robert De Niro to receive Cecile B. DeMille award
The veteran actor will be given the Cecile B. DeMille award in recognition of his career, which has spanned almost 50 years and seen him appear in over 70 films.

Canada: Diplomatic relations
The happy marriage of nature and development in Canada's beautiful Okanagan region spellbinds Paul Lewis.

Anna Wintour: 'Being fired? it was my lucky break'
The high-profile Vogue editor says being sacked from a job at Harper's Bazaar was 'a great learning experience'.

Ready to boldly go where no tourists have gone before?
The reality of using space ships as we do passenger jets is merely a few years away.

Pop star Beyonce pregnant - report
Hip hop power couple Beyonce and Jay-Z are expecting the pitter patter of tiny feet, according to a report.