Latest fromNiwa
What to expect for autumn
NIWA has issued its latest climate outlook for autumn - so what kind of weather can you look forward to in your region?
Good weather outlook for rest of year
Kiwis hoping for better weather until the end of the year could be in luck.
Rain sets in over the South Island
The first bite of autumn will be felt over much of the country in the next few days as rain sets in over the South Island.
Rain will be slow coming
Rain will bring some relief to drought-stricken farms this week, but the seasonal outlook is for dry conditions to linger well into autumn.
Hot, dry summer predicted
Sun-lovers should head to the Bay of Plenty or Hawkes Bay for the best weather this summer, but most of the country can expect warmer, drier weather.
Huge wind gusts reported around NZ
Despite 120km/h gales in the South Island and lower North Island there have been no reports of damage, emergency services say.
Editorial: Judge's refreshing ruling
A scathing judgment backing Niwa represents a damning of climate sceptics' crusade.
Aerosol ban averted 'catastrophe'
A worldwide treaty banning aerosols 25 years ago averted a global catastrophe, New Zealand ozone layer scientists said today.
NIWA's fishy new finds
NIWA have explored deeper seas than ever before, and found some new strange looking fish.