Latest fromNew Zealand Ironman

Ironman: Focus on beating injury and trauma
Which led to the loss of her right eye to complete the Ironman New Zealand in Taupo today.

Lockey beats odds to make Ironman start
Auckland multi-sportsman Ross Lockey has risen from a hospital bed to tackle his seventh Ironman next week.

Opportunites abound for adventure racers
It you are keen to test your limits, there are plenty of opportunities, writes Michael Brown.

Ironman: Brown bid to boost his record
Cameron Brown is aiming to defy all odds and add to his extraordinary record at Ironman New Zealand tomorrow.

Ironman No.13 dedicated to father
For most part-time athletes, finishing one Ironman New Zealand endurance challenge is something to cherish.

Beattie completes hat-trick in Gisborne
Max Beattie claimed his third New Zealand ironman title in familiar style at the national surf lifesaving championships in Gisborne yesterday.

'Immeasurable' health benefits on road to 11th Ironman
In 2005 Dave Dean went from being an overweight man to an ironman.

Third-spot finish for triathlete Brown
Veteran triathlete Cameron Brown defied his 42 years at the Auckland half-Ironman yesterday, in an otherwise mixed day for the Kiwi field.

No doing things by halves
The four-plus hours racing around Auckland today will be far too short for Gina Crawford's liking.

Q & A with Craig Alexander
Craig Alexander dominated the Ironman world his way, which meant the family way.

Struggle to reach the start line
Anyone who has completed an ironman or half-ironman will tell you that running over the finish line, after the many months of training and enduring all the pain, is a life-changing experience.

Triathlon: Dodging dogs, 'miracle' fudge
Heard about the New Zealand soldier who did his Ironman training on an exercycle and in a small pool?

Triathlon: Rolling dice reaps reward
A tactical and risky gamble by Estonian Marko Albert cleared the way for his Taupo Ironman victory yesterday, ahead of Kiwis Cameron Brown and Terenzo Bozzone.

Ironman: Lake legend right back in the swim
Cameron Brown is back. The 41-year Ironman legend should be among the main contenders tomorrow in Taupo.

Champ Cameron Brown's top-10 tips for first-timers
Cameron Brown's name is synonymous with Ironman New Zealand. The 10-time champion of the event, offered his top-10 tips for first timers.