Latest fromNew Zealand Institute
NZ youth losing out in health, education, jobs
NZ has one of the highest school dropout rates, with the sixth-lowest high-school completion rate in the developed world, a report has found.
Entrepreneurs announce $900m fast broadband plan
A proposed optic fibre cable linking NZ, Australia and the USA would unleash billions of dollars of economic potential by connecting NZ businesses to global markets by 2013.
Tax reforms to put brakes on house prices - experts
The dream of first home ownership will be made easier by Prime Minister John Key's likely tax reforms, economists said today.
Investors deserve assurances - Taskforce
Retail investors need warning labels on high risk products, simpler disclosure documents, and a deeper range of choices, a taskforce finds.
Steady house prices produce mixed messages
House prices stayed static in the last two months and fears of more expensive mortgage money could be to blame.
R&D 'not enough to make innovation pay'
New Zealand underperforms when it comes to innovation but spending more on R&D is not necessarily the solution.
Treasury: Unemployment to peak at 7pc - Key
Treasury now believes unemployment will peak at 7 per cent, less than what it predicted when the recession first hit, John Key told Parliament today.
Accountants have plan to simplify small business tax
The Chartered Accountants Institute has put up a set of proposals to radically simplify the taxation of small businesses.
Ultra-fast internet in 10 years
Plans for a billion dollar spend-up on ultra-fast broadband have been finalised by the Government.