Coromandel: The Waihi Beach unwind
At Waihi Beach, Elisabeth Easther discovered that it is possible for the busy minded to unwind, if placed in the right hands.
At Waihi Beach, Elisabeth Easther discovered that it is possible for the busy minded to unwind, if placed in the right hands.
Pamela Wade finds different ways to explore the quake-hit city as it once was, as it is... and as it will be.
Sarah Ivey sends the snow flying on a heli-ski adventure in the Remarkables.
Two years after Christchurch was devastated by its first earthquake, the green shoots of the city’s revival are appearing through the rubble.
Danielle Wright hits the South Island ski fields, on a sled pulled by huskies.
A campervan full of kids forget TV when there are sights to see, says Rob Cox.
Ewan McDonald spends six days on the road, and has an unlucky break.
Visiting the mountain village of Glenorchy is pure inspiration, writes Paul Rush.
Joanna Mathers puts herself back in the saddle to see the sights of an ancient Maori settlement.
A trip to Whitianga is an adventure with wheels like these, writes Estelle Sarney.
Danielle Wright and her aunt, Robyn Collins, try 'throwing' a pot at Morris & James Pottery and Tileworks in Matakana.
In Maungatautari, Elisabeth Easther is propositioned by a rare bird.
Jumping out of a plane proves a great way to relax, writes Bronwyn Sell.
Beautiful mountains and lakes make Kiwi roadtrip a classic, writes Josie Dale.
Danielle Wright and family take a spin on Snowplanet's newest offering: snow tubes.
Andy Kenworthy and his young family find a luxury motorhome ticks all the boxes for their weekend on the Awhitu peninsula.
Officials are looking at reopening tracks which have been closed since the mountain's eruption.
Danielle Wright finally graduates off the bunny slope, with the help of a bicycle on three skis.
A new eco-tourism operation offers a different perspective on our native forestry.
Pirongia has a rich history but as Dionne Christian discovers, on multiple trips, it is a present-day delight too.
Danielle Wright discovers what locals have long known: winter is the best time to visit a west coast beach.
We all love Piha, Bethells and Muriwai, regular haunts for many of us. But how about trying a different stretch of western sand.
A journey along this 'Lord of the Rings' road can leave you on edge, writes Paul Rush.
Only hours after Judy Bailey completed the Tongariro Crossing, the volcano awoke from its century-long slumber...
Danielle Wright gets into the swing of things at a forest adventure park.
Interest in the Tongariro Alpine Crossing has gone "through the roof" since Mount Tongariro erupted on Monday night.
A larger-than-life old seadog shows Pamela Wade Taranaki's jolly side.
Dedicated pioneers created Fiordland's colourful heritage in a hostile environment, writes Paul Rush.