Snow for Desert Rd, Interislander ferries cancelled as polar blast hits country
Rain forecast for most main centres. Auckland to hit 15C high, fall to 9C low overnight.
Rain forecast for most main centres. Auckland to hit 15C high, fall to 9C low overnight.
Craig Little says a pile of wet carpet and destroyed belongings is now lining the streets.
OPINION: Insurers, reinsurers have faced unprecedented levels of claims in recent years.
OPINION: This week's severe weather shows the critical need for infrastructure investment.
Thousands were left powerless, homes were inundated and rocks pummelled roofs.
Wairoa contracting team lost three parked digger during a mission to open the bar.
'It's a wonderful community – it was a community and now it's a family. It is remarkable.'
A State of Emergency has been declared in some areas.
The system is similar to what Cyclone Gabrielle reviews say the country urgently needs.
A delegation explores disaster readiness with First Nations people in Washington.
Emergency planners begin a three-part exercise readying NZ for a major Alpine Fault quake.
Just over two weeks have passed since the devastating landslide killed up to 670 people.
Streamlined consenting would only be available to applications lodged by councils.
The volcano continues to emit elevated levels of magmatic gas, GeoNet says.
What puts the fire in the belly of a local volcanic zone that's produced monster blows.
Scientists using satellites to probe landslide risk in spots hit hardest by 2023's storms.
300 families are packing their belongings in preparation for a dramatic change.
Residents appalled at NRC's failure to consult them about tsunami siren locales.
Its Government is considering whether it needs to officially request more foreign support.
Survivors of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea are still waiting for official help.
Bridge-less Tairāwhiti residents grapple with isolation amid heavy rains.
The eastern North Island is in the firing line on Tuesday.
Residents say forestry firms should boost payments for debris clean-up and road repairs.
It’s been a question on the minds of geoscientists - can big quakes trigger eruptions?
Government steps in as property owners struggle to raise capital to undertake works.
Our biggest fault zone is thought to have a release valve in the form of 'silent' quakes.
Modelling has highlighted the impact a catastrophic quake could have on this country.
The pair were beloved workers at Cafe Hanoi, blaze not suspicious
Mayor Rehette Stoltz sees further improvements needed with Nema response.