Warning over impact on petrol prices, EV sales if Clean Car Discount ditched
If National and Act are elected, the Clean Car Discount is on the scrap pile.
If National and Act are elected, the Clean Car Discount is on the scrap pile.
The race for the north is a complicated one.
It comes as National repeatedly states it does not want to work with NZ First.
Racism and 'race-baiting' have been controversial topics looming over the 2023 election.
Labour's wave of support is coming to an end after its historic 2020 election win.
Analysts are wary National might struggle to offset the stimulatory impact of tax cuts.
An Auckland principal said there was 'definitely a literacy and numeracy issue'.
In 2017, National was found guilty of breaching Eminem's copyright in an election ad.
Brands are often defined by what they choose not to do.
Sales of higher-emitting vehicles slump. EV advocate calls on Nats to reverse stance.
Candidates address living costs, cyclone recovery, infrastructure and mental health.
OPINION: Labour's dig over debate re-scheduling just made its leader look weak.
OPINION: Most polls have Labour on a downward trajectory.
Volunteers say they have been chased down the street and threatened with abuse.
OPINION: The best way to help the rural sector is to green the rural economy, fast.
OPINION: Our editorial on early voting as the official voting period begins.
As advance voting gets under way, the signs point to a significant drop in participation.
Te Pāti Māori asks Electoral Commission to investigate donation to Act by rich lister.
All say they will fill workforce gaps but their plans differ in method, scale and timing.
OPINION: Hipkins' Covid-imposed campaign pause gives even more of an advantage to Luxon.
CEOs believe National possesses a pool of talent should they be given the opportunity.
OPINION: Sector is recovering, but international spending only half that before Covid.
On the Campaign, Sep 29: Plus, National and Labour's fiscal policies compared.
OPINION: The depressing feature of election season, the usual easy targets.
CEOs suggest that Willis would make a superior leader for National compared to Luxon.
CEOs responded to questions on the leaders’ performance.
The CEOs had a clear view after watching Leaders’ Debate.
OPINION: Chris Hipkins should have addressed divisive issues much sooner.
Business leaders give their verdict ahead of Election 2023.
Candidates were asked what their parties would do to control pests.