British scientists begin project to search for life on Mars
British scientists have started an ambitious project aimed at searching for signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars.
British scientists have started an ambitious project aimed at searching for signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars.
Climate change advocates will be buoyed by data which has emerged from the US today.
Accused of "the biggest military hack of all time" Gary McKinnon is, according to the US, the most dangerous hacker in the world.
The US will be a hitch-hiker on other nations' space programmes, writes Gwynne Dyer.
Jet packs! Motors that run for ever! Centrally heated pants! We've been promised these wonders, and many more, for ages. So what's the hold-up?
A giant ring so faint it is all but invisible to conventional light telescopes has been discovered around Saturn.
At 2.56pm NZT today it will be exactly 40 years since Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Today Barack Obama met him to mark the anniversary.