'It got up and started walking': Person dressed as bush almost hit by driver
"That costume is next level."
"That costume is next level."
Housework may seem a chore but it's a great way to maintain health, letter tells elderly.
Kids were playing on a trampoline when speeding driver smashed into nearby tree and post.
Glass and wires lie scattered in Samaia King's car, the pick of the Bay's underworld.
Some areas are still too difficult and dangerous for crew to be on the ground.
65 firefighters are battling the fire, which has now spread across 15 hectares.
Summer is put on hold this week for some unlucky parts of the country.
Stags now third on the ladder and Hinds also in playoff contention with two games to go.
Central North Island - less than 28 percent of population, 50 per cent of the road toll.
A dress that is unofficially the 2019 Fashion Fail of the Year still haunts its owner
Was the gun buyback a success? Not really, says Chris Geddis.
There's no difference between lawyers and homeless in a world with no clothes, club says.
The boys, aged 7 and 8, have been found safe.
Four have died on State Highway 5 in one month.
Trelinnoe Park falls into passionate hands. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Central Hinds win, Stags lose in Super Smash double header with Canterbury on Monday.
The review, costing ratepayers $88,000, was conducted by Wellington lawyer Peter Chemis.
Christmas and the new year - not always a time of joyous celebration.
There are several severe weather watches and warnings in place for the day.
Council has voted to demolish civic building, but engineer says public needs answers.
Dan Snee, nephew of Len Snee, will be posted to Eastern District.
Replacing recycling crates will cost residents after council decision.
Man presented imitation pistol before being shot, police say.
Man had visited the school twice before on Tuesday, and had threatened staff member.
Richard Cooper and Damon Rees battle in Formula 1, Richie Dibben climbing in Formula 2.
The fragments of the bullet left damage to his van's bonnet and windscreen.
Papakāinga affordable housing on Māori land one of the solutions to district crisis.
It was believed to be the worst hail to hit Hawke's Bay in more than 20 years.
Napier City Rovers were training when they heard bangs, and saw armed cops swarm.
Crew clocked off at 2am after exhausting, emotionally draining day.