Indiana Jones 5 coming before Ford hits 80
The clock is ticking, Mr Spielberg: Harrison Ford is 73.
The clock is ticking, Mr Spielberg: Harrison Ford is 73.
Angelina Jolie has opened up about her family life with husband Brad Pitt and their six children.
Have Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell decided to get married?
The worldwide debut of the new BatmanvSuperman: Dawn of Justice teaser trailer.
Tom Hanks has revealed he's already recording his lines for Toy Story 4 even though the film's scheduled release date is three years away.
With Creed knocking out audiences and critics alike, actor Michael B Jordan acknowledges he would love to lace up the gloves again for a sequel.
The back-story of the iconic Barbie doll is set to be brought to the big screen by Reese Witherspoon.
In a semi-regular feature we'll be running until The Force Awakens is unleashed on December 17, here's our wrap of all the Star Wars things that happened today.
Pixar's most recent release feels different than its predecessors, because The Good Dinosaur is - is it OK to say this out loud? - totally derivative.
The trailer for Disney-Pixar's latest film, The Good Dinosaur.
Sometimes movies don't work due to a bad script, poor direction or bad special effects. Sometimes they don't work because we just don't like a certain actor or actress - no matter what role they appear in. Who are your most overrated actors and actresses?
At 82, Michael Caine is one of the movie industry's most revered stars - and busier than ever.
British actor Idris Elba has revealed how he almost died while shooting Beasts Of No Nation, when he slipped near a waterfall in Ghana.
Leonardo DiCaprio's eyes froze shut when he was caught in a "brutal" windstorm while shooting his latest movie.
Actor Harrison Ford says the relationship between Star Wars' Han Solo and Chewbacca is like that of "an old married couple".
Somehow, this next generation Rocky spin-off delivers a fresh, exciting boxing drama all its own.
When writer-director Leslye Headland presented her second feature film, Sleeping with Other People, at the Sundance Film Festival, she described it as "When Harry met Sally for assholes". Turns out, that's an apt description.
Captain America: Civil War will see Captain America and Iron Man face over the future of the Avengers team.
Captain America (Chris Evans) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) face off in Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War”.
You don't have to like cycling to find yourself leaning into the corners on The Program.
In a semi-regular feature we'll be running until The Force Awakens is unleashed on December 17, here's our wrap of all the Star Wars things that happened today.
Here's an easy one: What do George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Reese Witherspoon, Adam Sandler, Mila Kunis, Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper have in common?
It's hard to beat a good movie. Instead of the usual holiday classics - Elf, It's a Wonderful Life or the Charlie Brown TV specials - try one of these, all in theatres or opening soon.
Filmmaker J.J. Abrams admits Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens is still not complete less than three weeks ahead of the film's release.
Director J.J. Abrams say he's both thrilled and terrified to unleash the new Star Wars film into the galaxy.
A petition to boycott the upcoming film Zoolander 2 has received over 8000 signatures.
Actor John Malkovich and director Robert Rodriguez have teamed up to make a film that will not be released for 100 years.
It turns out George Lucas did pitch ideas for a seventh Star Wars movie - and Disney didn't like them.