Review: Is the force strong with the new Star Wars film?
Will it fill you with a new hope or is it Porg awful? Here's our spoiler free review.
Will it fill you with a new hope or is it Porg awful? Here's our spoiler free review.
Is the force strong with the only film brave enough to come out the same day as Star Wars?
Latest Star Wars movies avoid big changes blamed for failure of prequel trilogy.
Daisy Ridley's face emblazoned everywhere but still managed to sneakily visit her sister.
"I hate Christmas movies, Christmas music and cheesy rom-coms: So let's do this."
There's one very obvious problem with it. How did nobody notice this?
Official reviews have landed for Star Wars: The Last Jedi - and they're out of this world.
Since the purchase, Lucasfilm has retained its iconoclastic character with Disneys' wealth
Jon knows Ben faced some criticism and frankly thinks he'd be better suited for the job.
It's the low-budget Christmas movie that's so bad it's good.
Star Wars fans are in a spin after fresh reports of a new Obi-Wan Kenobi film emerged.
Hugh Grant admits he made a huge mistake after starring in Four Weddings And A Funeral.
Here's what was going on behind the scenes with Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You
In 1994, the world reacted with horror as the attack on Nancy Kerrigan flashed on screens.
The Academy Award winner's annual income is more modest than you might think.
Our heroes must "save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode" - no biggie.
Salim Shaheen is one-man film industry, prepared to risk all in his mission to entertain.
Willem Dafoe tells Michele Manelis that staying out of Hollywood keeps him grounded.
Ryan Reynolds begins shooting Detective Pikachu next month. Yes, you read that correctly.
Plasticine comes to life at Melbourne's Wallace & Gromit exhibit.
He made one of the best Marvel movies ever - now Disney wants him to helm Star Wars.
Daisy Ridley reveals the extreme nature of life on the set of Star Wars.
Prince Harry's recent engagement is a far cry from Princess Margaret's tragic love story.
Hugh Jackman rejected the role of James Bond. Now he's revealed why.
"It was only years later that we began to understand" says Usual Suspects star.
Sir Peter's 'divorce note' may put Wellington's movie museum in jeopardy.
Coming of age movie is still a common denominator at MIT.
Anew spin-off has copped such a backlash, it's been quietly removed from cinemas.
Bryan Singer disappeared from the set of his new movie last week and he might not be back.