How will the movies (as we know them) survive the next 10 years?
New York Times: 24 major Hollywood figures peer into future and tell us what they see.
New York Times: 24 major Hollywood figures peer into future and tell us what they see.
SPOILER: The actor has angered Marvel fans by dropping a huge plot twist.
A cute video of Sam Neill's pet duck prompted Ryan Reynolds to ask if he would be his dad.
It's all true — but also fake. Director reveals his film-making tricks.
There is a lot more to Pixar's Toy Story than we might realise.
The rebooted Child's Play has its creator in a tizzy.
More than four decades later, the actor wants to hang up his lightsaber for good.
Why the path to true love doesn't always run straight.
Tom Augustine gives one film a five-star rating but questions the wisdom of making another
Michael Cavna lists the animation studio's greatest follow-ups.
Actor says "there was a bunch of vodka involved".
Russell Crowe once turned down a role that went on to become a massive franchise.
It's been a big year for movies so far but did your fave film make our top 10 list?
Having nabbed all the big buzz titles from Cannes film buffs have choices to make...
They have approached him nearly every time, and he's still yet to join the MCU.
The TimeOut Entertainment team breaks down the biggest trends in entertainment
The incredible cast is rounded out by Emma Watson, Timothee Chalamet and Florence Pugh.
Times: A trip to Pixar reveals why we do indeed need a fourth installment of Toy Story.
Is the reboot of the cult fave a hit or a horror? Here's our review.
In Little Woods sisters are doing it for themselves but should you see it?
New York Times: "He observed my life during the '70s very closely and he got it right."
MTV Movie & TV Awards has its fair share of oddities. We break them down.
Boy George is having a biopic made and Sophie Turner is "so down" to play him.
Fans have been given a further glimpse into the big screen adaptation of Downton Abbey.
A new film celebrating Kiwi band Herbs will premiere at the NZ International Film Festival
The Voice coach revealed one actor suggested for the role — it's not who you think.
Brand familiarity isn't everything when it comes to attracting audiences to the multiplex.
New York Times: The archetype is being used to tell more explicitly feminist tales.
Hollywood director's ideas haven't gone down well with one section of the community.