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Matt Greenop: Snap call on V8s no recipe for success
As a fan, Matt Greenop is happy to see the V8s get funding. But as a ratepayer, he has a different view.

Car buyers' guide: Downsizers faced with a big decision
Now that David has retired, he's decided it is time to retire the family station wagon - a 2-litre Mazda6 - and instead buy a smaller car. The problem is the huge choice.

How did this car end up down here?
A car ended up at the bottom of the Mt Eden crater overnight. The First Security-branded car was discovered this morning and removed this afternoon. There were reports the hand brake was left off. The case is under investigation.

AMS' Nissan GTR 'Alpha 12'
US tuners AMS have turned up the wick on Nissan's already serious GTR - to a staggering 1118kW

Savage AMS GTR: 1118kW, 344km/h
'Accelerating toward and beyond 301km/h puts you in the death zone. If any little thing goes awry the situation can quickly turn critical.'

Trusty utes faithful in Kiwi love affair (+competition)
The Kiwi bloke and his ute have entered the nation's mythology, with sheds and gumboots. And it's not just blokes.