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Chris Birch Enduro X Project Episode2

Chris Birch Enduro X Project Episode2

In episode 2 of the Chris Birch Project, construction is well underway with a 7.5 meter high ramp, much to Chris' astonishment. Chris comes to terms with the challenges ahead and the size of the track he is to conquer before competing at the X Games in August. Over 6 episodes we join current New Zealand Enduro Champion and many time Romaniacs competitor Chris Birch as he prepares to ride at the X Games in LA. Courtesy Red Bull

Chris Birch Enduro X Project Episode1

Chris Birch Enduro X Project Episode1

Over 6 episodes we join current New Zealand Enduro Champion and many time Romaniacs competitor Chris Birch as he prepares to ride at the X Games in LA. In the first episode we visit Chris as he starts construction at his training facility in Auckland, which consists of a purpose built replica Enduro-X track. Courtesy / Red Bull

Range Rover Sport vs Spitfire

Range Rover Sport vs Spitfire

Watch the first ever off road race between a car and a plane. Mike Cross races in the Range Rover Sport vs Matt Jones in his legendary Spitfire at Goodwood. It's the battle between a WW2 plane and the latest all wheel drive super fast Range Rover. Courtesy Newspress UK