Lexus NX Concept
Lexus have a new, production-ready, crossover to show off at the Beijing Motor Show. It'll be a great space to be seen in if the pictures are to believed. Photos / Supplied
Lexus have a new, production-ready, crossover to show off at the Beijing Motor Show. It'll be a great space to be seen in if the pictures are to believed. Photos / Supplied
European champions Jan Kopecký/Pavel Dresler (CZ/CZ) celebrated a good debut at the Asia-Pacific Rally Championship (APRC). Position two behind their ŠKODA MRF teammates was a impressive achievement in New Zealand. Source: Skoda Motorsport
The opening round of the Asia Pacific Rally Championship was welcomed to Whangarei over the weekend. The first event of the international series also incorporated the first round of the New Zealand Rally Championships and Richard Mason, with wife Sara co-driving, finally flicked a long-standing monkey off their backs.
New Zealand's fastest woman Karen Hay has just had the best day of her life.
Driven takes a closer look at this classic 1968 Pontiac. Photos / Jacqui Madelin
IndyCar driver Scott Dixon arrives in Florida this weekend for the second round of the 2014 championship fourth on the table after the opening gambit in Saint Petersburg.
Warkworth's maddening turnoff to eastern beaches will be worsened by a $760 million motorway extension past the town, a retired senior engineer warned a board of inquiry yesterday.