Deaths surge on Super City roads
Twice as many people were killed on Auckland's local roads in the first five months of this year as in the same part of 2012.
Twice as many people were killed on Auckland's local roads in the first five months of this year as in the same part of 2012.
Mitch Evans had only 12 laps to go and was closing in on the race leader when he was penalised.
The average age of a car in New Zealand is almost 14 years, but motor groups say people are putting themselves at risk.
Car-pooling remains a largely untapped transport solution in Auckland, judging by lacklustre use of a priority lane on a main commuter route.
New migrants at a North Shore language school are setting an impressive example for fellow Aucklanders to start car-pooling.
While Top Gear's reach is truly global, co-presenter Richard Hammond's outlook feels positively rural, as Driven discovers.