Latest fromMotor Vehicles

Changes to flesh out cars' histories
A key document in the second-hand car sales process will be changed after problems were highlighted in a Herald investigation.

Manhattan speeder hunted
Police in New York are searching for a driver who completed a lap of Manhattan in a record 24m 7s, before posting a video of the journey to the internet.

Locals fear loss of carparking
Residents of Auckland's city fringe are worried their streets could become "parking lots" under Auckland Transport plans timed to take place after October's local body elections.

Motorsport: Evans chases win on tough track
The Formula One circus has arrived at one of the great motor racing circuits this weekend.

Rich car, discount attitude
Drivers of high-end vehicles are ruder than those who drive old bangers, according to a study.

Century of bright sparks who lit the way
Electric vehicles are still niche in the extreme, but right now in New Zealand you can buy externally rechargeable cars from Nissan, Mitsubishi and Holden.

Warrant of fitness changes announced
Changes to vehicle inspection rules will be introduced in two stages next year, Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee announced today.