Latest fromMotor Vehicles

The fast and furious crime wave that costs us $100 million a year
The Weekend Herald delves into the underworld of car theft and discovers a thriving multimillion dollar industry.

Volvo's trick new radar to help save walkers
The 'pedestrian detection' system's radar, camera and advanced software was telling me and the car's computer brain that we were about to hit a human being.

Laws will not stand for Wanganui mayoralty again
Michael Laws is stepping down for family reasons, despite suggestions he could win again.

To Hull and back - by electric car
Yorkshire is attempting to reduce its footprint by promoting a greener way of travel.

Anti-boy racer bylaw proposed for Papakura
Boy racers could be banned from many Papakura streets if a proposed bylaw goes ahead.

Travel gadget: Porta-Jump
There's nothing more annoying than coming back to your car and finding the battery is flat.

Gutsier Navara? Now you're torqueing
Revised turbo-diesel firmly regains most powerful Japanese ute title for Nissan, says Phil Hanson.

McLaren does it again
The racing specialist prepares to unveil another world first in supercar construction, writes Alastair Sloane.