How to retire at 40
Wanting to retire in your 40s? You'll need to learn how to become a super-saver.
Wanting to retire in your 40s? You'll need to learn how to become a super-saver.
As the property market plateaus, these tips will help you get in to your first home.
Selling a house or switching mortgages to another bank can be costly.
Flat New Zealand result but Australian operation awash with cash.
BNZ bank has posted a profit of $416 million in its first half.
COMMENT: You shouldn't put your boat on the house, writes Diana Clement.
Baby boomer bashing won't solve the problems, says Liam Dann.
Tougher stress tests are making it harder to meet lending criteria, says a major mortgage broker.
Households are borrowing more relative to disposable income than before the financial crisis.
Don't expect interest rates to stay still despite the Reserve Bank's decision to keep the official cash rate on hold.
Home-buyers took a breather at the end of last year with new residential mortgage lending dipping down.
Pressure on employers to boost workers' wages is not going to be enough to cover the rising cost of mortgage rates, warns an economist.
The Government talks up the prospects of a new supply of housing for first-home buyers in Auckland, but is there a funding gap?
There's no shortage of cranes on Auckland's skyline. What is in short supply is enough new homes for the growing city.
Fixing a mortgage will cost you more this year than it did last year.
Kiwibank is blaming rising funding costs on its decision to lift mortgage rates twice since the start of the year.
Some Kiwis could face losing their homes if interest rates rise but we are not as far under water as our Australian neighbours.
Corazon Miller talks to three generations of one family who all own property in Supercity about why they chose to buy and the sacrifices they made.
A new website that compares mortgage rates across banks in an instant was founded by two Aucklanders struggling to get their first home.
A fifth of share milkers who responded to a Federated Farmers survey said they were coming under pressure from their bank on their
Some mortgage holders are breaking their fixed terms early to lock in longer term rates before they rise further, says a broker.
Tougher times in banking mean 5000 ANZ staff will miss out on an $800 share bonus this year.
It is hard to understand why Finance Minister is wary about giving the Reserve Bank the power it wants to impose an income limit on house mortgage lending.
Debt to income limits would damage the Auckland housing market and New Zealand's economy, property valuers say.
Online descriptions of houses to rent are reaching remarkable heights, prompting questions about truth in advertising, and whether the law is being broken.
New clamp-downs on residential property investors appear to be working.
A mortgage fraudster has been sentenced to three years and two months in jail for his part in a $33 million swindle.
ANZ has announced an assistance package for customers impacted by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Monday night.
COMMENT: If Trump carries out his trade and defence threats, NZ would face the risk of slower global economic growth, higher interest rates and fewer capital flows.
The official cash rate cut won't be passed on to mortgage holders at major banks across New Zealand.