Latest fromMonetary Policy
Inflation just 0.8pc - dollar falls
The consumers price index (CPI) rose just 0.3 per cent for the September 2012 quarter, taking the annual rate to just 0.8 per cent.
IMF's forecast for NZ 'very optimistic' - economist
Is the IMF over-stating any potential economic growth for New Zealand. One leading economist thinks so.
Greens' money plan 'wacky' - Key
John Key says the Greens' call for the Reserve Bank to print more money in a bid to devalue the dollar is "pretty wacky'' and could create a financial crisis.
Labour sees merit in Greens' money call
National says the Greens' call for the Reserve Bank to print money in a bid to devalue the dollar is a "snake-oil solution" but it has backing from Labour.
Hickey: Heresy the norm for central banks
Heresy is, unfortunately, becoming common in central banking. The world's most important central banks are printing money like there's no tomorrow. Bernard Hickey looks into it.
Should we act on the high NZ dollar?
Most agree that the kiwi is overvalued and some say the solution is for the Reserve Bank to cut interest rates. But two differing perspectives argue it's not that simple. Add your comment to the debate.