Editorial: Time for some real Government action on housing
The Finance Minister's to letter to the Reserve Bank may have overshadowed a bigger change
The Finance Minister's to letter to the Reserve Bank may have overshadowed a bigger change
Watch: Adrian Orr talks to Liam Dann about house prices, Covid recovery...and that letter.
RBNZ to release its financial stability report, with house prices likely to dominate.
The Act Party leader says the bank is inflating asset bubbles, creating political unrest.
The Covid housing boom shows Reserve Bank policy working but could see return of LVRs.
You would normally expect National to be more fiscally prudent. Not this time.
The Reserve Bank is preparing a new policy tool to push interest rates even lower.
Hot property in a pandemic? The housing market is heating up again despite Covid.
All the signs are pointing to the housing market as NZ's economic safety net - again.
Important for RBNZ to think about "the intended and unintended consequences" of policy.
New Zealand's total gross debt is now $603.5b - about $120,000 per head of population.
It's not the already-low cost of borrowing that is stopping firms from investing.
The US Federal Reserve, which sets the trend for global rates, just made an historic call.
Recovery will be long and painful but there is opportunity for some positive change
We're hard-wired to hate uncertainty but coping with it offers our best chance of success.
RBNZ chief economist on why he's looking through current the lockdown crisis.
Central bank could lend direct to retail banks to ensure OCR cuts get to customers.
The Reserve Bank has left the official cash rate unchanged.
To print or not to print - the RBNZ's next big call is whether to expand the QE programme.
Sir John Key has warned we face a financial crisis. Is he right? And what would that mean?
Unemployment will look ugly, but the true picture requires a deeper dive into the data.
Crisis has seen central banks come to the rescue, with predictable benefits for investors.
NZ success in shutting out virus must be followed by a successful economic recovery.
Since the Covid-19 crisis hit, gold has risen to record prices.
Economy Hub: Reserve Bank Governor talks, interest rates, dollar and social inequality.
New Zealand doing okay but world economy in worse shape than first thought - IMF report.
Our two new Covid-19 cases are a "cautionary tale" on travel, CNN's Richard Quest says.
What crisis? Investors have decided to look through all the chaos of 2020
Share investors continue to view the world's recovery more optimistically than most.
With the surreal drama of lockdown almost behind us, the real economic grind begins.