Latest fromMonetary Policy

Greens ditch quantitative easing policy
The Green Party has abandoned its policy of quantitative easing - otherwise known as printing money - after almost a year of punishing backlash from political opponents.

First-home buyers backed by PM
The Prime Minister John Key believes first-home buyers should be exempt from proposed restrictions to low-deposit home lending.

Fall in dollar catches companies by surprise
The recent drop in the value of the New Zealand dollar against the US currency could have a caught a number of companies off-guard.

Skids go under kiwi dollar
An air of optimism about the US economy has put the skids under the New Zealand dollar and a drop below US78c could herald further falls, market strategists said.

NZ dollar falls to nine-month low
The New Zealand dollar fell to a nine month low as investors concerned about global growth moved to the relative safety of US Treasuries.

OECD urges NZ bank deposit insurance
The OECD is urging New Zealand to adopt a deposit insurance scheme to limit depositors' losses in the event of a bank failure.