New LVRs safe for banks but won't fix bubble
The Reserve Bank's new lending restrictions will make banks' books safer but may fail to cool the Auckland's housing market.
The Reserve Bank's new lending restrictions will make banks' books safer but may fail to cool the Auckland's housing market.
Reserve Bank targets Auckland property investors with new lending restrictions as it looks to take the heat out of the market.
Landlords says tenants will suffer from the Reserve Bank's 30 per cent rental property LVRs and rentals will become scarce.
The NZ dollar has held steady overnight ahead of the Reserve Bank's Financial Stability Report.
The Auckland region median dwelling sale price remained frozen over the last month at $720,000, but dropped in three areas.
New, Auckland-only rules for property lending may be unveiled as early as tomorrow morning.
The NZ dollar touched 92.82 Australian cents, its lowest level since late January, as traders price in rate cuts.
The kiwi touched 74.23 US cents, and was trading at 74.43 cents at 8am in Wellington, from 74.99 cents at 5pm yesterday.
China has had 35 years of hypergrowth, but now it's over. It's going to have to settle for really, really good growth instead.
The kiwi dropped yesterday after data showed annual wage inflation in the private sector slowed to a 0.3 per cent pace in the three months ended March 31.
The New Zealand dollar has dropped by US1c after labour data out this morning showed wage growth was less than expected.
The Reserve Bank is expected to keep its official cash rate unchanged at 3.5 per cent on Thursday but in the accompanying statement to shift the guidance needle slightly to the easier side of neutral.
A speech by the Reserve Bank's assistant governor and chief economist John McDermott gives support to market expectations that the next move in interest rates is likely to be down.
The New Zealand dollar is trading close to parity with the Australian dollar and may push through the historic milestone today.
The seasons in George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" aren't regular or celestial, just like business cycles.