One person killed, three others injured in truck and car crash near Kaiwaka - SH1 closed
Motorists can prepare for delays and diversions following a serious crash in Kaiwaka.
Motorists can prepare for delays and diversions following a serious crash in Kaiwaka.
The men's families have requested privacy while they grieve their loved ones.
A police investigation to the shooting was well under way with more details expected soon.
The Advocate understands a woman and two children left the house after threats were made.
Today's arrests came off the back of hard work by the police and help from the public.
Police believe the vehicle arson in Kamo was linked to the drive-by shooting.
The latest sea snake was found on a beach by an 11-year-old boy looking for shells.
Second highly venomous yellow-bellied sea snake found in Northland.
The teen's mum, Diane Coleman, says she has received messages from people wanting to help.
The family say whānau and police have been amazing support in the wake of the attack.
"Ignore previous price tags," says owner of Far North island and luxury home.
Northland's road toll sits at 13 deaths - only one more than the same time last year.
Emergency services are currently at the scene of a serious crash in Ruakākā.
The rise of conspiracy has led to shift from the 'single source of truth'.
Police are encouraging motorists to take extra care on and around motorbikes in Northland.
Kamo and OBM joint leaders after three rounds of Northland club rugby.
Kamo run riot over Hora Hora in a opening of the Tyrepower club rugby.
It is up to the marae if they want to temporarily house the homeless in Northland.
To spot a short-finned mako in shallow water is unusual but not unheard of.
The police officer attacked was "incredibly fortunate" to escape serious harm.
A helicopter is on the scene of a fire in Tutukaka, Northland.
"No-one's life would've been lost if they were wearing a seat belt."
The pair were arrested after a high-profile incident at ASB bank in Paihia last November.
Complainant Fraye Dunbar remains confused about whether a policeman used profanity or not.
St John treat more than 2000 Kiwis a year for an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
A weekly round-up of news, events and oddities from the Bay of Islands and Mid North.
The man had sustained a serious cut to his leg that went all the way down to the bone.
Covid-19 had restricted some vital health services to Northland's most in need whānau.
Rena Owen to play Dame Whina Cooper in new movie Whina.
Boaties who are no longer in danger can radio to cancel their mayday call.