Latest fromMobile Business

Stock food maker who wastes nothing up for prize
Fuelling dairy cows on high-end rations created from food waste has put Auckland's EcoStock in the running for a million-dollar business prize.

Let's not be hasty on TPP, Key cautions
Better to have patience and aim for a comprehensive trade pact, PM says.

US Treasury warns of default in fiscal game of chicken
US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has issued a categorical warning that the United States will default on its US$16.7 trillion debt.

Owners abandon prime Auckland properties
Eight homeowners have abandoned exclusive Auckland leasehold properties to the Cornwall Park Trust Board.

Bunnings: Branch will 'fit in'
Bunnings has gone to lengths to make a proposed warehouse store fit into Grey Lynn, changing traditional design, layout and even exterior colour.

Carl's Jr winning full-price custom
While many fast-food outlets are discounting, the new arrival is expanding and keeping its prices steady.

Govt on track for surplus
The government has posted a smaller operating deficit than forecast and affirmed its target to reach a surplus by 2015.

Telecom lifts 4G data caps
Telecom has raised the amount of mobile internet data offered in its new "4G-ready" plans, but some say users will still chew through monthly allowances.

Financial shutdown impact widens
A two-week US govt shutdown could cut 0.25 percentage points off fourth-quarter economic expansion, says one top Federal Reserve official.

Flooring system designed for quakes
Auckland University and Kiwi firm Framecad have worked together on a new flooring system designed to cope better than traditional full concrete flooring in earthquakes.

New technology means more time on job
Technology such as smartphones has led to spending more time working and increasingly taking work home, a survey has shown.

Small Business: Shared passion all part of STQRY
There are not many New Zealand-based entrepreneurs who could say they learned about company culture from their first job at a certain well-known Seattle technology company.

McCully keen for Auckland-Dubai direct
The prospect of direct Emirates flights between Auckland and Dubai - which would become one of the world's longest commercial aviation routes.

Property developer back in court
The second trial of a bankrupt Auckland property developer facing fraud charges over an alleged $50 million loan scam is due to begin this week after the first was aborted.

Share notices sent to junk folders
A glitch means some Mighty River Power shareholders have yet to receive notification of how many shares they bought during the company's float.

Brian Gaynor: Universal secret of success fuels port
Why are some companies extremely successful while others operating in the same industry struggle?

Jury indicts 13 Anonymous members
A US jury has indicted 13 members of the Internet hacking group Anonymous for allegedly carrying out a series of worldwide cyber-attacks.