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Energy share float info criticised
The head of New Zealand's investment regulator has hit out at the Government's energy company sharemarket floats and says they have failed to lead the way in making it easier for retail investors to access information.

Broadband fight comes down to the wire
The "grumpiest" telecommunications debate in more than a decade could be all but settled next week.

Facebook revenue soars on mobile growth
Facebook has posted a 60 per cent revenue increase in the third quarter thanks to mobile advertising growth.

Shares in new software firm GeoOp surge
Stocks in software firm GeoOp soared 140 per cent in its debut on the NZAX after it sold shares in a private offering, raising $10 million to fund its global growth.

NSA broke into Google, Yahoo - report
In the latest NSA bombshell, the Washington Post reports the spy agency has secretly broken into the main communication links for Yahoo and Google.

Pike River reparation a 'moral' issue
NZ Oil and Gas has a moral obligation to pay Pike River families it's claimed - after shareholders yesterday voted not to fork out $3.41m awarded by judge.

New Fonterra contamination scare
Fonterra says the potential contamination of 14 milk tankers with mud and gravel is a "very minor incident" and its safety systems worked as intended.

Ombudsman fields gripes over banks' behaviour
The banking ombudsman has had 10 complaints about the loan-to-value-ratio (LVR) changes introduced on October 1, with eight related to banks withdrawing prior approvals.

NZ cloud firm gets $4m funding boost
An Auckland software company has secured $4 million in new capital, which it will use to expand its presence in Australia and establish a base in the United States.

$29m first funding after Taiwan deal
The first funding commitment has been made through a joint agreement signed last year between the Government-backed venture capital funds in this country and Taiwan.

Fast broadband for NZ needs carrot
A "carrot" rather than a stick should be used to encourage people to move to ultra-fast broadband and keeping slower internet prices higher is the wrong way to get them to switch.

Receivership obstacle in talks between JP Morgan and Justice Dept
Negotiations between the United States Justice Department and JPMorgan have hit a stumbling block that has put the talks at risk.

Engineering firm cuts big deals
Having the capability to build end-to-end meat processing and packaging systems is helping Milmeq win major deals on the world stage, says chief executive Mike Lightfoot.

Market regulator calls for IPO clarity
The FMA yesterday called on issuers of investment statements and prospectuses to "lift their game" after its report on the industry following its guidance note of June last year.

$500m written off Independent Liquor
Tokyo-listed liquor giant Asahi has written more than $500m off the carrying value of NZ's Independent Liquor, the brewing company it purchased for $1.5b in 2011.

NZOG - no Pike River compo
New Zealand Oil and Gas shareholders voted yesterday not to pay reparation of $3.41 million to the Pike River families.

Meridian share price closes higher
The price of newly-listed Meridian Energy instalment receipts edged higher this morning.