NZ's labour productivity dips
New Zealand's labour productivity fell 0.7 per cent in the year to March 2016.
New Zealand's labour productivity fell 0.7 per cent in the year to March 2016.
Energy Minister Judith Collins expects oil and gas exploration activity will return.
New job advertisements rose more than 17 per cent in February.
Fletcher Building has made changes including to its staff after the $110m downgrade.
Harvey Norman shares fell 8.2% after two directors sold more than A$2.5m in shares.
First-half profit has risen off the back of strong sales and improved stock management.
A new 4.5 star 152-room Sebel hotel has been announced for Manukau.
NZICC combined with a project in Christchurch caused the $110m Fletcher downgrade.
Fletcher Building shares tumbled 12 per cent after the company cut its full-year earnings guidance.
Thankyou Group made its name by donating 100 per cent of the profits from its retail sales to fund charitable projects.
Optometry business Mr Foureyes is a equipping Kiwi kids with glasses. Founder Ravi Dass explains the social enterprise.
An Auckland landlord illegally rented out a converted garage to a young family.
Weekly rent for a typical New Zealand home has reached $500, up more than 30 per cent in the last five years.
The growth plan means $50 million will be spent on villages at Pt Chevalier, Papakura and Cambridge.
Finding two- or three-bedroom Auckland properties will cost you more.
Prospective buyers are told they could get more than 50 new residences in the popular suburb of Waterview.
A new precinct has been announced for a waterfront site at Hobsonville Point in Auckland.
Cliff stabilisation work has started above Herne Bay's Sentinel Beach.
A Northland woman selling a small lifestyle block says Kiwis "think this is too much work" to take on the property.
The country's biggest real estate agency chain has released data on Auckland property in February.
Demand for these low-price Auckland apartments is so high that potential buyers will go into a draw.
A new 250-room Pullman Auckland Airport will be located next to AccorHotels' Novotel hotel.
A New Lynn retail building has been closed while safety checks are being undertaken after the weekend's floods.
Auckland for-sale inventory rose 20 per cent in the last year and was up 33 per cent in the last month alone.
Work is about to begin on a 178m, 57-level apartment tower that will "transform" Auckland's skyline.
A year into his tenure, Nick Grayston appears to be a man with a plan.
Watch and listen: Grey Lynn apartment balcony railings sound like unpleasant pan pipes. 'You get to screaming point,' says one neighbour.
NZs largest listed retailer The Warehouse Group has posted what it said was a "mixed" first half performance across the Group.
The cost of fighting the planned Devonport development is estimated to cost $75,000.
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