Photos: Inside billionaire Peter Thiel's planned lakefront resort
Rooftops are heavily planted so disappear into the area's outstanding natural beauty.
Rooftops are heavily planted so disappear into the area's outstanding natural beauty.
Builders outside Auckland could run out of materials and equipment within three days.
The chain has 330 supermarkets and gets millions of shopper visits annually.
Resource consent being sought for tourist lodge to be built on part of a 193ha farm.
OIO intended to progress investigations and get court orders for asset sales.
CoreLogic data: House prices not growing as much as they had been.
While demand will rebound, measures to contain Covid will keep supply tight, says NZIER.
"True impact of price increases has not been felt by clients and property owners."
Records kept from a year before WWII, now at an all-time high.
Chain sent just under 3.5 million cartons of food/groceries to stores in last week.
Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq and Holey Moley Golf Club - just the start.
"Stay the ....outta my house. I'm not Zooming you. Creepy little people." - Geordie Rogers
Work on construction only started in 2020 but building work stopped in May.
'The property is insured and the insurance claim has been accepted in full' - owner.
Construction sector facing very challenging times, with some operators "treading water".
Australasian business reveals performance in last 12 months hit by Covid
"We want to be the first choice for where people spend their time outside of home".
"We have moved quickly to keep our residents and staff safe" - Scoullar
"We'll get straight back into it as soon as we can" - Andrew Lamont on show suite.
Total assets of $4b are up from $3.5b, company developing four new sites
Builders and contractors had to secure their sites fast on Wednesday.
The villages are responding strongly to the threat.
Record profit for specialist in industrial properties
Taylor exceeded target achievement for group earnings and cash.
House building at record high levels, mortgage interest rates rising.
Fletcher annual report says company fully insured for NZICC works.
Delays in construction projects can quickly become expensive.
Massive turnaround at giant builder, materials manufacturer and supplier
"We have a highly feminised management so we said 'come on sisters'," - Joe Carolan.
Fletcher Building is expected tomorrow to reaffirm its earnings guidance.