Government releases plan for New Zealand's 77,000 drones
There are 77,000 drones in use in New Zealand and concerns about privacy and safety.
There are 77,000 drones in use in New Zealand and concerns about privacy and safety.
Government's road safety strategy out for consultation today.
A number of cash-strapped regional airports could be bailed out by the Government.
It also wants to charge a fee on imported vehicles with higher greenhouse gas emissions.
Auckland Transport now says Nelson St to remain closed until next week at least.
A motorists' watchdog has hit back, telling the city not to punish car owners.
A number of breakdowns and crashes throughout Auckland are causing delays.
A 2012 report found roundabouts should be preferred over signalised intersections.
Joanne Harrison convinced a judge her 2007 offending was a one-off. It was just the start.
Councillors voted unanimously to support the indicative package.
Over eight months e-scooters have costed tax-payers nearly $3m in ACC injury claims.
"Her head was under the wheel of a bus, that's how bad it was," husband says.
A number of incidents around the city and people hitting the road are to blame.
Simon Bridges says National will provide the long-awaited Melling interchange.
Joanne Harrison also known as Joanne Sharp was convicted of an earlier fraud.
Traffic volumes started swelling throughout Auckland shortly after 4pm.
Fifteen per cent of participants also admitted they were not confident driving in NZ.
Eighteen children have died on New Zealand roads since the start of the year already.
The urgent meeting took place this afternoon and was 'constructive', MP Nikki Kaye said.
How e-scooters stack up against other forms of transport in the accident claims stakes.
Cash, jewellery and a Far North house are among the assets seized by police.
Unions say the process causes bus companies to cut wages for the cheapest tender.
New Hamilton to Auckland commuter train service to be equipped with Wi-Fi.
Puhinui Rail Station will look very different by 2021.
The term was in response to the Let's Get Wellington moving announcement.
The incident took place on the evening of Friday, April 5.
Government commits $3.8 billion to solving Wellington's transport woes.
Announcement comes after petition calling for changes extended for more signatures.
Son of couple killed by driver who smoked synthetics calls for urgent government action
Uber has hit several roadblocks since launching here in 2014.