Kiwis push for lower drink limits
New Zealanders are now strongly in favour of cutting the alcohol level for adult drivers - a proposal medical experts are pushing.
New Zealanders are now strongly in favour of cutting the alcohol level for adult drivers - a proposal medical experts are pushing.
The parents of a 6-month-old baby killed in an Easter car crash did not know she had died until they began recovering in hospital.
Up to 5000 trucks will be eligible to carry heavier loads on public highways from next month.
The oldest son of a mother-of-five killed by a woman fleeing a police check point says it's time to crush drink-drivers' cars.
The Transport Minister admits his choice of words may have contributed to the outcry over potential cuts to SuperGold Card transport concessions.
The Government intends to give control of transport in the Super City to a largely unelected board.
The days of rental car companies giving pamphlets to confused overseas visitors and crossing their fingers they'll cope with NZ's oddball right-hand rule look set to be over.
New Zealand's unique right-hand rule, a relic of an old Melbourne tram system and cause of 2560 crashes a year, is set to be scrapped.
Reducing the current legal blood alcohol limit will hurt the law-abiding majority without tackling repeat offenders, say lawyers.
The Govt's failure to immediately commit to lowering blood alcohol limits for adult drivers is "just not good enough", say advocacy organisations.
An investigation into vehicle power restrictions is something that this country has been crying out for.
A second Auckland harbour crossing and a lack of trains are two gaps identified in an infrastructure stocktake, Bill English said today.
NZ's minimum driving age is likely to rise by one year to 16 under a Government road safety strategy to be unveiled tomorrow.