Killed by driveshaft: New inquest into road tragedy
Eddie Tavinor died when part of a driveshaft hurtled through the windscreen of his ute.
Eddie Tavinor died when part of a driveshaft hurtled through the windscreen of his ute.
The government's coalition and support deals promise much for Auckland, says Simon Wilson.
Viral videos highlight reality of how much these type of accidents are costing taxpayers.
Smart tech enabling cars to talk to other vehicles could slash road deaths and injuries.
Joanne Harrison stole $726,000 of public funds which saw the auditor-general resign.
Police Remembrance Day is the most poignant day in the police calendar, Mike Bush said.
The 1.5km path would connect Haitaitai and Miramar via Cobham Drive.
The number of pedestrians killed in New Zealand has increased by 75 per cent this year.
Transport Minister rubbishes Labour's rapid rail bid for Tauranga, Hamilton and Auckland.
Demerit points will not be introduced for people failing to belt up in New Zealand.
Why do some people not wear seatbelts? An expert explains.
Serious Crash Unit investigator Paul Hayward talks about the stupidity of not belting up.
The Herald spends a day on the road with police to find out how many Kiwis are belting up.
EDITORIAL: It is fair to suppose the report is being suppressed for Martin Matthews' sake.
National has a $2.6 billion election package to fix Auckland's chronic congestion.
A report which led to the resignation of the Auditor-General is being withheld.
New Zealand won't follow the UK's commitment to ban petrol and diesel cars from 2040.
COMMENT: The bizarre events at the Ministry of Transport could end up shaking up politics.
Transport Minister Simon Bridges is not saying if the $3.4bn City Rail Link will cost more
Township to build resilience while planning begins for an alternate gorge route.
Ministry of Transport paints grim picture of Auckland Council transport spending.
The Greens say it is possible to build Auckland CBD-airport rail within four years.
Two central government ministers make agreement with Auckland Mayor Phil Goff.
The Waterview tunnel has been formally opened and opens for cars in early July
Thousands have turned out for the official opening of the Waterview tunnel.
Could shared taxis take over the Auckland CBD at the expense of private cars?
A government announcement on road tolls for Auckland is expected this week.
A third Government agency has been drawn into the Joanne Harrison case.
The Government says rebuilding SH1 around Kaikoura is an "essential investment".
Tailored support in the Budget for family violence victims and struggling Cantabrians.