Queue for social housing passes 5000
The wait list for a state house has risen by 40 per cent in just a year.
The wait list for a state house has risen by 40 per cent in just a year.
Tukituki Labour candidate Anna Lorck says Housing NZ has not lived up to its promises.
Village offering transitional housing for the homeless has stirred neighbours' opposition.
A high-profile building housing six tenants has been sold in Rotorua.
The Green Party is promising the biggest changes to the welfare state in a generation.
Higher security rolled out in Napier CBD to address concern over begging.
Govt is holding firm on its decision not to hold an inquiry into abuse in state care.
Thousands of solo parents are being penalised up to $200 for not naming the other parent.
The Government has put the cost of a lifetime of social housing at $16.4b
A domestic violence advocacy group is calling for an inquiry into the Family Court.
Ask for help and you will get it, government promises family violence victims.
Green MP Jan Logie: reasons women won't name a father are "none of the state's business."
This summit being run by the Government just doesn't cut the mustard.
The Balderstons are prisoners in someone else's home as they wait for a modified house.
Half of workers earning less than $24,000 won't get benefit at all from new Budget perks.
The Govt snuck stricter welfare rules for migrants into the Budget.
Tailored support in the Budget for family violence victims and struggling Cantabrians.
Mental health is at the centre of Government's $321 million social investment programme.
Footage shows the toddler wandering lost before being helped to return home.
Most of those using Government fund to leave Auckland have settled down.
The waiting list for social housing has risen again, but fallen in Auckland.
Social Development Ministry reveals fewest people on the benefit in 20 years.
Mary Holm column: Advice for a teen with 'extraordinary entrepreneurial skills'.
Thousands of people could be helped into long-term employment via a new initiative.
An independent review at the Ministry for Social Development had been announced.
The flooding in Bay of Plenty has bee classified as "medium-scale adverse event".
Almost 170 children were found to be abused in state care during five years.
Meanwhile, a plan to require all NGOs to give up their private data has been criticised.
Taxpayers spent $1m on lawyers before settling abuse claims for a fraction of this cost.
Event slammed by the Backbone Collective, as "too little too late".