Inquest opens into shearing identity's death
The whānau of former top shearer Koro Mullins wants answers on his death
The whānau of former top shearer Koro Mullins wants answers on his death
Proposed changes to Coroners Act could mean some causes of death missed, say pathologists.
Crime not being reported because of loss of faith in system, group says.
Justice Minister to look at whether or not name suppression rules are fit for purpose.
The mother of a young man who took his own life wants a faster and fairer coronial system.
"It was quite literally a 'cover-up'."
A human right court is taking an "inhumane" amount of time to hear complaints.
High Court judge lampoons man's claims in new judgment.
A prisoner mistakenly detained an extra 33 days has won $11,000 compensation.
Recruitment of respected judges from overseas branded 'judge washing'.
"If any of those critical decisions had been different, Tracey may have survived."
David Lyttle's conviction for the fatal shooting of his mate was quashed.
Staff tried to save man who died in his cell.
Vaughan Te Moananui was spiralling out of control when he pointed a gun at police.
The lawyer's actions were found to be 'unprofessional and discourteous'
Letele claimed it was 'just another case of keeping our people where they are'.
Items of 'unknown value' not allowed under the justice system.
It comes as National says repealing Three Strikes shows Labour is 'soft on crime'.
Victims re-traumatised by reparations payments drip-fed over years.
The victim says she even alerted police to a potential address for the thieves.
Alan Hall's fight to clear his name is the latest in a series of miscarriages of justice.
Report shared with justice officials but can only be reviewed by a "restricted group".
Chief Judge: "We're talking about a change of culture, and with it a change of practice."
Eighty-eight people were spoken to during the 12-month investigation.
More than 150 court staff have been busted for looking through court records.
Nearly $14m paid to legal aid lawyers in Northland the past year.
More than 11,000 drink drivers had vehicle locking devices fitted since laws introduced
The maximum income thresholds for legal aid are being lifted, but some say not by enough.
Controversial photo montage evidence to go under microscope.
Kiwis under the age of 25 may not be able to contest a parent's will in the future.