'Helicopter' cash for Kiwis an option in Covid-19 recovery: Finance Minister
Some practices say they are now facing closure unless they can get urgent support.
Some practices say they are now facing closure unless they can get urgent support.
More face masks deemed unfit for purpose in the fight against Covid-19.
Can you go and visit your boyfriend at level 3? We tell you how.
Morrinsville College principal's warning: 'Children can contract Covid and they can die'.
Letter from HDC to Health Minister raises concerns for normal healthcare during pandemic.
79 staff were swabbed after coming into contact with a nurse infected with the virus.
"It is believed damp masks may be the source of the breach."
Ministry says closing schools and childcare reduces deaths by only 2 to 4 per cent.
Dr Frances Hughes believes New Zealand could draw in more nurses.
Experts say we don't know how much children transmit Covid-19 to others.
The Auditor-General will conduct a review over the next month and then publish it.
Targeted workplace testing will start next week under alert level 3.
Some childcare centres will stay closed, but most schools will open on April 29.
Lockdown is set to be lifted next Tuesday - what alert level 3 means for you?
Professor says oxygen use can actually damage the lungs, rather than help.
Our social lives will sadly not come back on under alert level 3, says Prime Minister.
Most families opted for immediate burial or cremation, planning for a later memorial.
New mental health patients will be diverted to other hospitals away from Tauranga.
Behind closed doors, scientists are raising alarm about the gaps in NZ's system.
Three ambulances were at the CHT St Margaret's Hospital this morning.
Catch up on the big coronavirus stories of the day - in New Zealand and overseas.
WE SAY: We need to hang in there in order to get back out there as soon as possible.
COMMENT: PM's natural caution and 'elimination' goal speaks against a lift of lockdown.
More testing is taking place in Auckland, Queenstown, Canterbury and Waikato.
The total number of Covid-19 related deaths in New Zealand reached 11 on Friday.
New Zealand’s third week in lockdown was it's most deadly, but as new case numbers continue to fall, NZ remains optimistic that Level 4 restrictions may be lifted on schedule.
Air NZ steward linked to virus cluster says he followed health guidelines.
Can you get a takeaway or go to the pub? The Government will reveal all today.
'I have to act now because several aged care facilities now have clusters of the disease.'
PM says NZ might be 'past the peak' but not yet out of the woods.