Fact or Fiction: Did Jacinda Ardern's video break the rules?
We explore the issues behind a video of the PM's visit to Covid-19 agencies.
We explore the issues behind a video of the PM's visit to Covid-19 agencies.
The rules for wearing masks on public transport are due to be released on Thursday.
Here's what is known about the community cases.
Auckland's lockdown extension just made beating the outbreak 10% more likely. But how?
Public health experts believe masks should be mandatory in all public arenas.
'Within hours of this afternoon's announcement, all of the flights were gone.'
Benefit to taxpayers of $7.8m Heather Simpson health review not yet known.
The Prime Minister has revealed that Auckland will stay in lockdown until 11:59pm on Sunday and the city and the rest of New Zealand will remain at alert level 2 after that.
New Zealanders won't be allowed on public transport if they are not wearing masks.
There are nine new cases of Covid-19 today eight of which are community cases. Video / Mark Mitchell
The CovidCard may be key to tracking the source of new community infections, says expert.
EDITORIAL: The consensus that people bought into earlier this year has frayed.
Today's new cases are a household contact of a previous case and two imported cases.
The original ad featured Bloomfield ... then did not ... and now it has been taken down.
The ultra-luxurious ship circumnavigates the globe every two to three years.
There are now 111 active cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand.
The PM's spokeswoman said the video was not an ad but an update on the Covid response.
Cancer patients and sick children are being put in further danger due to moonlighting.
The cases in the Auckland community cluster continue to grow.
300 workers have been tested, another two have reported feeling unwell.
Experts suspect we'll never know how exactly Covid-19 slithered back into New Zealand.
Government ministers have praised Shane Reti in Parliament this week.
Although PM Jacinda Ardern said alert level 3 had played a critical role in finding the outbreak's perimeter Cabinet will reconsider any shift down levels on Monday. Video / Pool
Restrictions in place until end of Wednesday but Cabinet will review them again on Monday.
The Prime Minister talks up our Covid response - and uses the US as a comparison.
In the prior lockdown Worksafe undertook nearly 2500 onsite Covid-19 related assessments.
Calls for independent body amid a damning assessment of the Government's management.
Cancer patient, woman with lung condition also say they've been laughed at.
"No evidence that food or the food chain is participating in transmission of this virus."
Link between the person and an existing cluster hasn't been established, Bloomfield says.