Vaccination by area: Which parts of NZ are lagging behind?
Find out how your suburb's vaccination levels compare.
Find out how your suburb's vaccination levels compare.
A man who died from Covid served as a deacon at his church for about 10 years.
October 7 2021 There are 29 Covid cases in the community today, including five in Waikato - prompting the current boundary to be extended to the south from 11.59pm tonight.
The alert level 3 boundary in Waikato could be extended if more Covid cases show today.
Outbreak now linked to a 'large' gang presence, with calls for more-targeted approach.
A number of rooms at Auckland's Jet Park quarantine facility have been trashed.
Northland principals ask for more clarity around tougher rules for unvaccinated teachers.
The first Hamilton locations of interest have been released shortly after 4pm today.
Emergency approval sought for rapid Covid-19 tests to be used in critical work sites
The events sector says lockdowns cost the economy billions of dollars in lost revenue.
It comes ahead of Auckland moving to the first step of its road map tonight.
October 5 2021 There are 24 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern reveals vaccine passes will be used in New Zealand from as early as next month.
The crew were isolated on board and had saliva tests and temperature checks each day.
Auckland will move to a new life at level 3 from midnight tonight.
People who have been against getting vaccinated are now lining up for the jab.
An Auckland apartment block has been visited by an infected person five times.
October 4 2021 PM Jacinda Ardern has promised a phased end to Covid-19 restrictions in Auckland. From midnight Tuesday, bubbles will be able to mix, but only outdoors and with some restrictions still in place.
Cabinet meets on alert level, 2 million Kiwis now fully vaccinated.
The new alert level for Waikato towns will stay in place for at least five days.
October 3 2021 Hamilton, Raglan and several other Waikato towns will move to alert-level 3 from 11.59pm tonight after the discovery of two Delta cases, and the spread of the virus beyond Auckland's borders.
Although it seems impossible, this territory has vaccinated 119pc of its population.
Jacinda Ardern will now front a 1pm press conference.
Director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield on why he decided to get the Covid-19 vaccine. Video / Mark Mitchell
"Do it for your family, do it for your friends, do it for your community."
Director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield says it’s a matter of when, not if NZ hits 90% vaccinated and what lies ahead for borders, future lockdowns and Covid treatments. Video / Mark Mitchell
On getting to 90 per cent: "It's not just possible. The modelling shows it's essential."
There are 27 new cases of Covid-19 today with another possible exposure event at Middlemore Hospital's ED and anti-lockdown protests happening across NZ. Video / NZ Herald
GPs expect they may soon have to treat Covid-19 patients who have been told to stay home.
Five unlinked cases come just days out from the Government's alert level decision.
EDITORIAL: Auckland may have to battle on, apart from NZ, for some time yet.