Travellers dodge MIQ lottery with altered travel vouchers
Altered voucher was 'isolated incident', says MIQ boss - then another case emerged.
Altered voucher was 'isolated incident', says MIQ boss - then another case emerged.
November 20 2021 There were 172 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today - and the first Wellington case has been confirmed, an essential worker from Auckland.
Cases continue to emerge across the North Island.
The family of Dr Suliana Pasi spoke exclusively to the Weekend Herald.
"Clear discrepancies between ingredients listed and what we detected in the lab."
The approach taken at each school has been different, based on public health advice.
Māori GP says there is one key element the Govt and DHBs can learn after successful event.
What is in store for Auckland and the rest of the country next week?
The govt. are expecting cases to pop up around NZ - but not at catastrophic levels.
As Aucklanders wait for their day of freedom, another city is now dealing with a new case.
Fixing a travel date was a political necessity. Now the Govt has a month to get ready.
November 17 2021 People will be able to travel to or from Auckland from December 15 if they have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine or have returned a negative test. There are 194 cases of Covid-19 in the community today and a further person has died with the virus.
A number of gang members travelled from around the country to Masterton for a weekend.
Aucklanders will find out today when they will be able to leave the city.
Future travels around Europe just got a little easier for vaccinated Kiwis.
The Ministry has apologised for calling a 12-year-old about his vaccine status.
Three new locations of interest have been announced in Taupō and Rotorua.
Waikato is moving to alert level 2 tomorrow. But is the move too early?
The Taranaki Māori health provider has explored marae as possible Isolation facilities.
Māori vaccination is still about 20 to 22 per cent behind the national vaccination rate,.
November 15 2021 Cabinet has agreed to move Waikato to alert level 2 from midnight tomorrow - and the rollout of booster vaccination shots will start from November 29.
An iwi linked to the famous Ka Mate haka is calling on anti-vaxxers to stop using it.
Contact tracing for the two cases is under way.
Teachers face a big decision today as the no jab, no job mandate comes into effect.
Infections are again sweeping across Western Europe, despite high vaccination rates.
A student at Onehunga High School, in Auckland, has tested positive for Covid-19.
Greens' new Covid-19 voice, Elizabeth Kerekere, wants Māori children prioritised for jab.
New cases in Rotorua and the Tararua district were confirmed this morning.
November 14 2021 There were a record 207 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today - and one death. According to a Ministry of Health statement, a woman in her 90s died in North Shore Hospital. The woman had a number of underlying health conditions and had Covid-19.
The staff are all self-isolating and have been tested.