Covid-19 expert: 'It's a battle between us and the virus - and the virus is winning'
'Just like BA.2 took over from BA.1, BA.5 is going to do the same.'
'Just like BA.2 took over from BA.1, BA.5 is going to do the same.'
The rise comes as the health system feels the pressure from Covid-19 and winter illnesses.
The numbers grow every day. But the names remain unknown.
The man accused of killing Laisa Waka Tunidau in random attack was in mental health care.
Health NZ and the Māori Health Authority will replace the country's 20 DHBs.
MP's promise comes after Herald exposed investigation into claims women harmed by its use.
The focus has been on the top end of the planned changes - what about the local level?
Health NZ and the Māori Health Authority will replace all 20 district health boards.
The Māori Health Authority has the right medicine to make Aotearoa a healthier country.
Expert: 'We can see in the numbers, by every indicator, it's a huge ongoing problem.'
Health professionals are concerned that the uptake of extra shot will be low.
Second booster - or fourth dose - is now available for everyone aged over 50.
More Kiwis will have access to free flu shots and be eligible for a second booster.
There were 8638 new community cases & 24 deaths reported yesterday for the past two days.
Kiwis outside Auckland were more blase about masks before Covid-19 came to them.
Daily cases have been hovering around 5000 this week; today's cases are two days' worth.
Dr Ashley Bloomfield tells of the pressures of being the face of the Covid-19 response.
The number of daily cases has dropped by almost 1000 compared with a week ago.
New Covid-19 Response Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall said alongside Director-General of Health Dr Ashely Bloomfield that lockdowns and border closures would still be a last resort. Video / Mark Mitchell
Apology for stranded pregnant Kiwis during lockdown, fourth Covid vaccine dose passes into law and trains in the UK grind to a halt with strike action in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Organ donation can only be consented to by a deceased's family, not your driver's licence.
Five days of court time needed for Northland's "tooth fairy" case involving 20 witnesses
Overseas data suggests the country is in for another surge soon.
In some hospitals, the flu is now a greater cause of respiratory hospitalisation.
OPINION: Dairy and business owners' group defends sales of vaping products.
Nurses organisation says NZ is more than 4000 staff short and urgent action is needed.
18 out of 20 DHBs didn't reach the 95 per cent of ED patients seen within six hour target.
As hospitals experience "extreme pressure" with "abnormally high" patient presentations, NZ Nurses Organisation co-president Kerri Nuku calls on the Government to act. Video / NZ Herald
New documents reveal Covid-19 misinformation now deemed a 'national security' risk.
A primary factor in the backlog of tests was due to higher positivity levels.