Latest fromMinistry of Health

Jump in C-section births worries hospitals
One in every four women giving birth in NZ will undergo caesarean section surgery, with nearly 15pc booking the operation before going into labour.

Dangerous bleach sold as 'miracle' cancer cure
Thousands of bottles of industrial bleach have been sold across NZ as a miracle cure for cancer and HIV, sparking a health warning.

Face of cancer test slams critics
Former long-distance running star Allison Roe has defended thermal imaging, a popular but controversial investigation for breast cancer.

Number of obese youngsters 'scary'
Health experts are alarmed by the 'scary' number of overweight or obese preschoolers.

Popular breast cancer test 'unproven'
Health authorities are warning women against thermal imaging for breast cancer detection and one expert even says the industry should be shut down.

Procurement processes costing DHBs dearly - report
Tony Ryall says if the health sector was run more like a supermarket chain it could save millions when purchasing supplies and services.

<i>Garth George:</i> Screening on slippery slope to eugenics
Garth George writes that an expanded screening programme for Down Syndrome may go against the rights of the disabled.