Latest fromMinistry of Health

Gill South: Too much of a good thing
Gill South doses up on the vitamin C and though she is feeling the benefits, the jury is out on its effects.

Kronic ban passed by Parliament
Shops selling synthetic cannabis products should take them off the shelves right now, Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne said today as Parliament passed legislation banning them.

Our hungry kids: 40,000 NZ kids fed by charities
School principals say the number of pupils turning up for breakfast is increasing daily, despite the collapse of one of the two main breakfast programmes...

Attack of the Carl's Jr calories
Notorious footlong cheeseburger is off the menu as part-owner Michael Jones puts his foot down.

Designer drugs a cat-and-mouse game
Take another look at your humble corner dairy - it's on the frontier of a new world of designer drugs.

Garth George: Smoke ban won't set inmates free
Smoking - like overeating - can't be stopped merely by the will of authority.

Leaky public hospital could be first of many
Mason Clinic needs extensive remedial work including recladding and reroofing.

Dunne: Kronic clamp-down in weeks
A legal clamp-down on synthetic cannabis products is just weeks away, associate health minister Peter Dunne says. The Govt will "comprehensively and once and for all fix this situation", with the irresponsible synthetic cannabis industry...