Latest fromMinistry of Health

Abortion rate lowest since 1995
The number of abortions performed has fallen to its lowest rate in almost 20 years,

Damien Grant: Human tragedy lost in cash rush
Damien Grant writes about how caring for a disabled relative must be a great burden on a family.

Diabetes a looming health disaster
University of Otago researchers poring over blood samples uncovered a trend in adult New Zealanders that rattled health officials.

Attack on obesity starts before life
The Government's plan of attack for reducing obesity begins before a child is born, or even conceived.

Regular price rises doing trick
Forcing up tobacco taxes every year is having an effect. It's hitting the price point for many smokers, galvanising their resolve to quit.

Charity to plug health gaps
The KidsCan charity plans to use money from the child poverty plan announced this week to plug holes in health services.

Caregiver bill advice heavily censored
The Government has been accused of undemocratic law-making after a controversial bill was passed without public input and with official advice heavily censored.

Opposition slams rush on disability payments
A bill which allows people who cared for disabled family members to get paid by the Govt has passed into law a day after being introduced amid protest about its narrow scope, lack of consultation, and possible discrimination.

Calls for legal high boycott a 'knee-jerk reaction'
A legal high lobbyist says synthetic cannabis is a low-risk psychoactive substance that had not caused any death and was statistically safer than alcohol.

Frustrated family quit NZ
When little Lewis Railton was nearly killed by a rare and deadly stroke, his parents knew the road to recovery wouldn't be smooth.

Synthetic drug makers dodge ban
New Zealand communities are battling to rid themselves of synthetic cannabis - with the Government's promised solution months away.

NZ faces bird flu risk
A new killer strain of bird flu terrorising China could pose a risk to New Zealand, a flu expert said today.

$40,000 transplant needed
A woman whose skin is tearing away from her body is likely to get a transplant overseas after Kiwi specialists declined to carry out the procedure.

Herald on Sunday editorial: This health debate has had its day
Citizens of Auckland and Wellington will be surprised to learn that water fluoridation is still an issue for the rest of the country.

Fluoridated water debate could reopen
The mood is sombre in the South Taranaki District council chambers. Their decision-making is under scrutiny by concerned locals just a couple of metres away in the public gallery.

Brian Rudman: Health workers set bad example
"How many die in New Zealand hospitals from bugs they pick up within the health care facilities they've come to to get cured of something else?" asks Brian Rudman.

Health workers named
Four health workers involved in the care of a medical student who died at Auckland City Hospital in 2009 after a wrongful diagnosis can now be named.

STI drug on list for boys
Schoolboys as young as 12 could soon be offered protection against sexually transmitted diseases through free vaccine shots.

More jabs in store for Kiwi babies
Kiwi babies look likely to get free vaccinations against chickenpox and rotavirus later this year - up to six years after Australia.

Alleged steroid dealer held in custody
A champion bodybuilder accused of running a nationwide steroid dealing operation has been continuing his crimes while on bail, according to police.

Stink over dung beetles in NZ
At a secret location just north of Auckland, an experiment has started which might alter the face of New Zealand's $12 billion dairy industry.

Call for free kids' flu jabs
Free flu vaccinations are in the pipeline for children under the age of 5 after an alarming number of toddlers ended up in hospital last winter.

Is the flu vaccine worth the effort?
With winter just three months away, the National Influenza Specialist Group aims to have 25 per cent of the population immunised. It is focusing on people who are at risk of being severely affected by the disease.