Baby concerns: Midwives vs doctors
Babies born under the care of midwives have suffered higher rates of damage than those whose mothers were looked after by doctors, according to new research.
Babies born under the care of midwives have suffered higher rates of damage than those whose mothers were looked after by doctors, according to new research.
The cash-strapped Canterbury District Health Board's money problems have got worse.
Patients are being harmed by the deteriorating finances of ambulance services, a paramedics' group says.
The National Screening Unit will end cervical smear tests for women aged 20-25 in 2018 citing "a strong body of evidence" showing the procedure may be causing more harm than good.
COMMENT: Government now have time to look at the scientific evidence suggesting nicotine e-cigarettes could benefit New Zealand's half million smokers.
Use of medical patient portals - an online way to manage your health - has grown by 61 per cent in New Zealand over the last six months
The Hawke's Bay District Health Board is operating well despite increasing demands caused by the gastro outbreak, the Ministry of Health says.
The Mental Health Foundation believes there is an "urgent need" to investigate why a significant number of young people aren't coping.
Health officials believe the gastro bug that has made thousands of Havelock North residents badly ill has peaked.
Flu consultations are way below average this winter but health experts warn the worst could be yet to come.
Three intellectually disabled men are suing Govt for upwards of $100,000 each, alleging human rights abuses while in state care.
A petition for an autistic man held in an isolated wing of a mental health unit has garnered more than 2000 signatures in a day.
The family of an autistic man held in an isolated wing of a mental health unit have launched a petition calling for the minister of health to intervene in his case.
A Westport family had to take their elderly relative to Buller Hospital on Tuesday night because a St John ambulance couldn't come for 90 minutes.
The business case for the proposed national bowel screening programme was "poorly developed" according to a Treasury email.
The Ministry of Health has defended its stance on refusing to fund a Maori safe-sleeping device.
A Maori health target for sudden infant death was lowered by officials because it was too difficult to achieve. However, experts claim this is "laughable".
The Ministry of Health refuses to fund a simple sleeping pod for babies so they might more safely sleep alongside their mothers.
Fast-acting parents are thought to have curbed the spread of whooping cough from a Christchurch primary school.
Applications for a share of a new $7.9 million research fund to improve the treatment of conditions like diabetes and asthma have opened.
A leading human rights lawyer says the door is now "wide open" for Ashley Peacock to take health authorities to court
Associate health minister Sam Lotu-Iiga has been assured Ashley Peacock is 'being cared for in the best way possible'.
Intensive care doctors could be told if a dying person is an organ donor under proposed changes aimed at lifting donation rates in New Zealand.
Dr Murray Winiata has gone out on a limb to promote a controversial quit-smoking technique to his patients.
Patrick Wilson, aged 86, changed his GP - because the previous one didn't have a patient portal.
Medical experts are supporting of the Government's approach to prescribing cannabis-based products.
Patient portals are a secure, online way to help people manage and keep track of their health 24/7.
Documents released to the Labour Party showed the funding gap at these DHBs ranged between $500,000 and nearly $2 million.
A mother is still battling the Government in court over pay for the care of her disabled son, despite repeated decisions in her favour.
To demand "savings" from the country's district health boards is good economics but brave politics.