Latest fromMinistry of Fisheries
Fish forever ?
When it comes to fish, New Zealand is often held up as an exemplar of what happens when you get things right.
Govt plans may give fisheries minister extra powers
Amendments to aquaculture legislation may allow the fisheries minister to override regional coastal plans in 'exceptional circumstances'.
South Island fish dealers investigated
Nearly 30 South Island commercial fish dealers are being investigated for alleged illegal trading.
Open season on whales once again
The moratorium on commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean looks likely to end next year.
Oyster season begins
The Bluff oyster season opened yesterday with a healthy catch, though supply to northern regions this week may be restricted because of bad weather.
The seas are dying and NZ not helping: expert
British documentary maker Charles Clover says that NZ risks losing its world-leader status on managing fisheries.
Shellfish disease threatens Mahurangi beds
A natural disaster has wiped out 80 per cent of breeding-size cockles, leading to a possible harvesting ban.
Tribesmen raided in agency's first bust
Members of the Tribesmen gang have been targeted in the first ever bust by the Organised and Financial Crime Agency today.