Latest fromMinistry of Education

Schools get by with $700m from community
In the last year parents and communities have propped up schools throughout the country, pumping $700 million into the nation's free education system.

Care rules for foreign pupils may relax
Foreign students could study in NZ primary schools without the need for a legal guardian if pastoral care rules are relaxed.

Report urges private-school reforms
An overdue law reform will remove the ability for criminal cowboys to set up a private school.

UE standard may be raised
University vice-chancellors have been speaking to the qualifications authority about whether University Entrance standards are too low.

Schools' leaky building toll soars
More schools hit by leaky building syndrome and Mt Albert Aquatic Centre faces $1m repairs. See the list of Auckland schools.

Survey: Few students understand basic finance
Most secondary school students are finishing school with a poor understanding of basic financial concepts, a survey finds.

Closure threat after school staff charged
A school for some of the country's most difficult children faces closure after assault charges against three recent staff members.