Latest fromMinistry of Education

Heads back trial of new tests
Hundreds of Auckland primary school principals want the introduction of national standards to be delayed so they can be tested.

Tolley talks tough in clash with teachers
Anne Tolley says she will sack the boards of primary schools which allow teachers to boycott national standards, saying they would be refusing to obey the law.

Kidicorp funding probe
The nation's largest early childcare provider is being investigated for the way it claims more than $30 million of taxpayer money.

New educational standards will fail, academics say
A system of new national educational standards to assess primary school students is doomed to fail, academics across New Zealand say.

PM's former primary school to close
The Govt says it can't justify spending over $2m at Aorangi for replacement buildings.

Brainwave programme educates future parents
Pilot scheme at Mangere East college shows boys how to be good fathers.

Chocolate fundraiser not so sweet
A primary school's chocolate fundraiser turned into a debt-collection exercise after parents failed to cough up around $3000.

New education standards released
The Government has released new education standards to be introduced next year, tracking a student's progress and reporting it to their parents.